
Fuck you Windows!
It fucking started to update while I had to left for hour! My Gimp project is gone, because it had to bloody update. Someone should sue those assholes. Why Linux can wait for you to update and do it without restarting whole computer?! Is it really that hard to do that? Ohh wait, it's Microsoft!

  • 5
    Save early, save often. Power failure, PC failure, and literally anything will fuck you over. Updated suck, yes, but you are too blame for data loss if you left a PC unattended for an hour without saving
  • 2
    Drop box that folder
  • 3
    @iam13islucky That's true, it's also my fault - can't say no. But this update policy is a non sense
  • 4
    You had me on "Fuck you windows"
  • 1
    With all these rants it makes me wonder why people haven't switched back to Windows 7 yet. Compatibility?
  • 1
    @rvnx Because win 7 does that too.
  • 18
    @rvnx Microsoft dropped support for Windows 7. I'm sure people are put off by that.
  • 1
    @pyrestone but at least in 7 I can turn it off completely. Windows 7 is still being supported until 2020, and even if it weren't I'd still prefer a slightly outdated Windows in a private setting than not being able to control when my OS does whatever​ it pleases without being able to do anything.
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