
Macbook or Microsoft Notebook?
I have a budget of 1600€.
I need it for developing mainly c# and web-dev.

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    @KnightsOfCode yeah, but i thought visual studio for mac is a valid option.
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    alright.. Thanks.
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    Surface book I'd say. Build quality is good - I'm generally a happy camper.
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    I have been a C# developer and I own a Mac now for several other reasons. I use Mac for C# on and off. If you are sure that you are gonna develop in C# , I would highly recommend a Windows laptop.
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    C# devs? grab a Thinkpad!
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    There are ways to do it, but from experience, C# dev on a Mac is a bit of a pain. I'd recommend Windows if that's your primary role. Easy to do web dev on Windows too.
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    You're not going to get a great Surface Book for that amount of cash. I'd go with the DELL XPS.
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    Thinkpad, that is what the Gods are using
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    Surface book!
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    As other's have suggested get a DELL XPS. You can grab a good deal at the outlet on their website. You wouldn't be able to get a fast spec'd Surface Book for that price. I've tried C# dev on a MacBook and I've actually stopped developing in C# because it's just a pain on a Mac. Get a decent PC that will have support from its vendor.
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    Dell is nice but I love Thinkpads more. The new Thinkpad 13 looks great.
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    @norman70688 Ahh, sure with this high budget. I didn't checked if you can full-spec the 13.
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    MacBook Pro for most users, but Surface for you as a C# dev.
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    I would say vreate custom PC, you will get most out of your money
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    @Creepper needs to be portable too.
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    @Shri Oh, well then I recomment Windows notebook
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