
Windows is more open than commercial Android distributions provided by the major phone manufacturers

Have a nice day ☕

  • 8
    Android is open by nature however Open Android never makes it into the hands of end users. It passes through the claws of Google, Samsung and the likes; and they fill it with spyware, adware and limiting locks
  • 3
    @hinst I can replace my "desktop" on android. I cannot on windows. I can also get other roms for the model of phone I bought. Currently running stock though.
  • 3
    Please don't start flame wars.
    1. android core is fully open source, and windows core is not.

    That is all.
  • 1
    @hinst in regards to what @Demolishun said, can you do the same for Windows phones?

    Can you say the same for those RT tablets?

    Oh wait, bad examples because those were failed products. I wonder if it had anything to do with the closed source software they ran 🤔
  • 2
    @magicMirror but but but that is why I am here...
  • 4
    @sariel No. iOS is also CS and even over the top vendor lock-in. WP failed because MS entered the market way too late and without any useful strategy. They bet on abusing the desktop monopoly as always, only to find out it had no leverage.

    iOS wasn't the first try at something smartphonish, but it was the one at the right time. Android followed and competed on price. WP was a me-too shot, but it came so late that it would have needed compelling arguments - which it didn't offer. It fell into a vicious cycle of no users and no apps.
  • 5
    @Fast-Nop how dare you bring facts into this house of lies sir!

    It's almost like @hinst just wanted to incense those of us in the community.
  • 3
    @sariel Isn't it bad form to post images of vulnerable individuals (retarded) that have been exploited by powerful world organizations?

    I love this gif btw. Stealing for later.
  • 1
    I so wish that running on mainline kernel was a requirement for android devices. Not gonna happen, but at least are already alternatives.
  • 1
    Can confirm, OP is work of master baiter.
  • 1
    @Demolishun would you consider classic shell as a sort of replacement on Android?
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