
I came to this company. I saw spaghetti code. I told myself to write clean code and also clean the existing code. I took too much pressure for too little return. I am done with this shit. I will now write clean code but fuck the old spaghetti code!

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    Sometimes you have to choose your battles.

    One good thing about my place is that they do try to write clean code. If you say it needs doing then it will get done but if it’s a big job then we raise it and it will be planned in.
    The snag is that they don’t always understand how to write clean code. But at least it’s a start
  • 1
    I resonate with your rant!

    We only touch the spaghetti when we are converting a feature to a micro service, or doing an over haul that requires it..

    Unfortunately sometimes you have to leave working legacy code alone.. even if it’s not efficient, or easily maintainable.
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