If only I knew about the manga like that during my university times... Math could have been a piece of cake.

Manga guide series includes 40 books
Including manga guide to databases.

Closest more professional level same level friendly, would be head first series

  • 7
    But why? I mean, we have the bandwidth for real porn these days.
  • 1
    @Fast-Nop to make the weebs and neets smarter too, so they can actually give something to the society!
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    @Fast-Nop How would you put CS in porn and have the user study it instead of fapping though
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    @ars1 Unix- and cableporn are already a thing, aren't they? :-)
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    we usually associate education with “study” while the point should be “learning”.

    There are multiple ways to learn that are not necessarily boring or tiring.

    So the point is not “study instead of fapping” but rather “learn while you do it” 😁
  • 2
    By the way, Japanese manga with cute maids doesn’t necessarily mean it is porn.

    These books are actually very good but in some cases are better for a review and not first approach in my opinion as they have lots of information
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    @Hazarth so they could impress nerd females with calculus
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    The manga guide to databases is actually one of the best SQL books.

    It has relatable examples, and covers everything from simple queries to correlated subqueries and joins, from normalization to transactions and locking strategies, from indexes and b-trees to ACID, from partitioning and replication to multiphase commits.

    Sure, it's kind of silly, but I highly recommend it to any developer wanting to learn more about relational databases.
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