
What is the point of archiving posts on Reddit? I often find a post describing a problem which happens for me, but the problem was reported about 1 year ago and the post got archived, so I have no way to complain about it because archived post is read-only. So sad

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    I am sure devrant devs knows why reddit manages themselves this way. Because devs know everything other websites do. We are all in a secret club where we share secrets about how all websites are run and operated. We are the "they" you here everyone talking about.
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    >I have no way to complain

    you answered your own question
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    It's data retention.

    The data that represents that post gets tossed into elasticsearch cluster and indexed.

    Anyone who's dealt with ES knows you don't index data that changes routinely, so they freeze the document and store it in ES. It's faster, cheaper, and easier to backup.

    So the thread document gets frozen and cached in ES, the end.
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    @Hazarth if I have no way to complain in an existing thread then I will create a new thread and complain even angrier
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    @sariel imagine putting every comment into a separated document, instead of putting whole thread into one document
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    @hinst but this defeats the whole purpose of ES. It's a document cache/search, the whole reason why it exists is to solve this exact problem.

    It would make zero sense to archive a post without the comments as a whole "document". What value add would the overhead cost provide? None, that's what.

    Don't get me wrong, I would love to post questions to archived threads but that doesn't mean I cannot appreciate the why it is the way it is.

    Just create a new thread and reference the archive...
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