I have no idea what is happening. literally. am i considered to be a human just because human beings decided to call humans, human being? are the words coming out of my thoughts, the real words that my human form is intending to convey? you! all of you! what is real for you? how do you define the right thing to do? Do you live your life according to your real self or according to what others expect of you? are you living your life truly? what is the truth? how can you consider a truth to be true if that truth has been made by the same creature that also had no idea of what the truth was and suddenly just came up with it? how?

  • 2
    Study the classics. Think for yourself. Understand the masses are kinda stupid (when not thinking for themselves).
  • 1
    What is this pseudo-deep bs?

    Yes, we decided to call ourselves humans in english. What don't you understand there? The word "human" doesn't mean anything special, good, bad or anything else. It's just a series of sounds we make to convey the concept of "this is what we are called" if Dolphins have a language they might very well call us something else, who really cares?

    I live my life according to myself, morality is subjective but It's efficient to follow social norms ti survive.

    Something is considered true if we have reasonable evidence to support that claim (unless you're a religious person, in which case you blindly use faith) whether something we think is true is really true doesn't really matter as long as Its true just enough that its useful. We don't require absolute precision or correctness, we only strive to approach it for practical reasons or ideological reasons
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