
Has anybody here read Atomic Habits by James Clear? As a dev, has it impacted your life?

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    it's in the pipeline but I need a habit to read more
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    finish the cover and forget it because of production issue
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    Yes, and as a person with ADHD : It only does so much.

    Self-help books come in three types : Axiomatically good.

    Books that deliver their message clearly, concisely, and you don't necessarily need to put them into practice immediately to retain the information on them. Think 48 Laws of Power.

    Then there is "adequate". Books that deliver their message succinctly, but do not deliver in such a way that encourage retention. Think Atomic Habits.

    Then there is "garbage" think : "Think and Grow Rich." by Napoleon Hill. Histories cutest con-artist.
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    No. Heard of it. But just hearing the title I can imagine what it is about. The idea that "It's better to go to the gym 3 times per week even if you only spend two minutes there - cause that develops a habit. (As opposed to postponing shit for months cause you don't have time for a full workout)"

    But I've tried that previously and I have a REALLY hard time motivating myself to do something unless I do it properly.
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