GraphQL: making the impossible stuff hard, and the easy stuff impossible … 🤦

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    My team wants to use it for EVERYTHING. It's disgusting.

    Problem isn't GQL itself, it's that they're trying to solve for a problem with the wrong solution.
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    graphql - cause we don’t know how to normalize our data and how model in mvc works 😅
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    Eventually, they all crawl back to SQL and RDBMS when they realize how pointless and/or actively counterproductive the new hotness actually is.
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    GraphQL, just like WSDL, is a great idea that just got conceptualised horribly, AND implemented horribly.

    i can, in theory, see the benefits over REST, but i've so far not encountered any project where those benefits would matter - the point where you actually want to query your backend data _that specifically defined_ is the point where "bandwith" is usually not a limitting factor at all.
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    Many implementations of GraphQL are tragically confusing... for everyone.
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    @fzammetti I believe which NoSQL has its place but when I was forced to code by hand RDBMS feature on a greenfield project which used a NoSQL DB because the management wouldn’t provide a goddamn SQL DB I wanted to kill.
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    I‘m working with GraphCMS and at first it looked kinda nice. Querying is ok-ish. But data upload with create/update/upserts is just horrible. Huge mutation queries noone understands, totally inconsistent, tacked-on localization support.
    And the worst, no real java framewort that just gives me pojis to fill and send.
    It‘s so horrible to use.
    I wished they‘d have a good REST interface. Things would be so much easier 😭
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    @DEVil666 Agreed, they definitely do have their place, as does GraphQL. But people in this industry have a really bad habit of seeing something kinda neat, falling in instant love, and then trying to cram it in to EVERY situation they come across. I've been seeing it happen for 25 years now (and I'm sure I've done it myself a time or two - the short-lived Flex craze comes to mind). Most of the time, everyone eventually comes to their senses, which was the genesis of my original comment.
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    @fzammetti what’s “flex”?
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    @DEVil666 Exactly :) It was an Adobe product originally, now an Apache project, for creating cross-platform apps on top of Flash in the early 2000's. For a while, it looked like it might eclipse web development because you could develop some pretty impressive SPA's (which, at the time, we called RIA's, or Rich Internet Applications) and you didn't have any of the cross-browser or cross-platform concerns you did with web development (it was a PITA back then to make a complex site or webapp work across browsers). It never really took off like Adobe had hoped though, mostly due to performance issues, and AJAX was starting to enable what it offered but with open-web technologies. I remember a lot of debates, presentations and PoC's comparing the two. Very interesting time.
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