
For the love of god, I spent 2,5 hours debugging why Minecraft from the windows store doesn't work...

The game just shows a red message telling you it didn't work.

I checked the logs, nothing just warnings

I re-installed the game, nothing, same error

Updated java and all parts of the store, nothing....

Obviously I had to install Something called the "xbox identity Provider"... You know... On a PC... For a distinctly PC game to work... Installed by the store... And the provider is also on the store... But it doesn't auto-install with the game

Ever since you migrated to the Microsoft Auth the login experience is awful (I ranted about that already)

How about you do the bare fucking Minimum of an User experience and Install the fucking dependencies when I re-installed something your fucking store??!!!

The fucking bare minimum that every package manager ever created fucking has as a basic requirement?! Are you kidding me?

Rename your fucking services so they make sense and please don't waste everyone's time by having both shitty logs and no dep management for your own apps... Fucks sake

  • 6
    I can recommend installing MultiMC launcher - way more reliable with authentication to Microsoft account, and has an added functionality of downloading mod packs.
  • 13
    Microsoft copies every known consept, but to avoid copyright issues they need to make their product suck more than the original.
  • 8
    These are the times that I envy non-technical people. They can hit the first issue and just say "cool, that's fine. I don't care that much. It doesn't work so I'll move on". I get very annoyed over simple things not working and then I think about what I can do when I'm trying to sleep which obviously affects my sleep
  • 6
    and yet people all over this site praise microsoft and hate on apple
  • 4
    @cmarshall10450 Don't install Microsoft Teams.
  • 4
    @fullstackchris I hate everyone equally.
  • 3
    MS probably thinks it’s not worth it for those 10 apps in the store.
  • 2
    @fullstackchris they both suck
  • 1
    Windows Store version of Minecraft isn't written in Java though, they ported it to C++.
  • 2
    @dontbeevil oh no, it wasn't my PC, I was fixing it for someone else. And yes they uninstalled bunch of random shit because running out of space on C:/ so naturally they thought they don't need the store and bunch of xbox bullshit since It's a PC... You know how MS always sells Windows as user friendly? This is a big mistep in UI/UX to name important services as Xbox and then even make it so that the errors tell you nothing and on top of that reinstalling doesn't auto-pull those dumb cryptic xbox dependencies.

    I aint even a windows user anymore, this was annoying to fix even for me, let alone them
  • 1
    @kwilliams not bedrock, normal MC.
  • 2
    @ReverendLovejoy I use MS Teams for work everyday. If I ever have a mental breakdown, that'll be to blame.
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