
Why in hell did we try to get smart with this shit!? As simple as storing 2 values and reading them... But no... Someone wanted to get pretty with it, stored the two values but just read one because the other can be calculated...

Makes sense (btw it's [field] in minutes and [field] in seconds)... Some problems:
1. Why? Oh because someone designed it as int...
2. Why not just in seconds? Fuck you that's why...
3. Who the fuck thought that getting seconds from minutes is better then getting minutes from seconds when we only store integer values?

Thank you... I feel better

  • 1
    Answer to numbers 3 is: the architect... Who is a great guy and has an excellent mind... I am trying to think this is the fruit of bd evolution and failing to follow the code by someone but blame does not lie...
  • 0
    @mmcorreia, is bd an acronym for batadase?
  • 1
    @siljamicke that's the problem of being bilingual... DB - DataBase; BD - Base de Dados...

    When I talk in Portuguese I have to make an effort not to say DB because it sounds wrong... So, sometimes my brain fucks me and makes the translation in the other direction....

    Blaime it on being venting....
  • 1
    @mmcorreia ah! I'm glad I asked! Always fun to learn something new! 😀
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