Holy shit...Sublime Text just got a massive update, check it out!

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    Just a new default theme but the looks of it. Sticking with Cola theme myself. Haven't updated yet as apparently some plugins break with the new build. Discussion: https://forum.sublimetext.com/t/...
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    @w0ble Way more than that my friend...
  • 5
    Looks a bit like "Microsoft Code" now.
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    @Cyanite Not seeing that at all.
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    @nblackburn I meant with the folder view open.
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    @Cyanite It's a pretty standard view, sublime has pretty much always looked like this.
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    A fellow Windows user!
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    @itsdaniel0 Indeed, hello friend!
  • 24
    It seems like I get an excuse to install Sublime again :P I was just beginning to feel at home with Visual Studio Code, though.

    At the college we work with Sublime.

    Also, hello, fellow Windows users! I'm thinking of dualbooting Windows and Linux, but I'm just a bit too used to Windows at this point, having seen nearly every version since Windows 95.
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    @BlueNutterfly Don't feel forced, it's a good update but we are not out of the woods yet.

    I duel boot Windows and Linux and find it to be a good setup to have.
  • 4
    @nblackburn @itsdaniel0 there are dozens of us, dozens!
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    I've been using Brackets for months over Sublime now and I got a really similar theme using Monokai Dark Soda :)
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    Im would, but im blind.
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    @BlueNutterfly I once began dual booting windows/Linux when I got a new laptop. 3 months later I uninstalled it because I actually hardly ever used it, and I've been sticking with Linux since then
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    @oscarascal I started with Linux because it was fun, now the years have passed and I am glad I did that, Windows is becoming a bigger mess each day
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    @kalippu you checked the stable release, go to /3dev to see dev releases
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    @fun2code Good for you, did you really need to post that though because i bet you were going to anyway.
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