How fucked up is fucked up? Part (2)

What's the worst Project manager you had worked for?

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    Not worst but funny none the less , i used to work with a guy who used to tell developers that 'he was not getting the proper juice' from them. Once he was confronted by a woman from our team he said we had dirty minds.
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    My prior company had a PM who was a total bitch, negative as hell, and would do shit just to make her own metrics look good. She didn’t care about customers or rules at all.

    She would approve website launches without the clients consent, swear and get into verbal arguments with clients over the phone, and make everyone’s life a living hell.

    I honestly think they kept her on so long because nobody wanted to deal with firing her due to how volatile & bitchy she was.
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    @Zer07777 proper juice?
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    @GirlCode that's crazy. Did the company sales dropped since?
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