Every now and then I see people writing fucked up society everywhere. I want people to write here what is fucked up and how do you want to solve it if you have all the necessary powers.

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    Firstly, cull it down to a few hundred million.
    Secondly, return to monkey!
  • 4
    - don't force children to get up early for school

    - don't force people to work shifts that often switch between day/night

    - don't force people to wake up early for work if they don't want to (flexible hours everywhere)

    - ditch daylight saving

    in general just make healthy and ample sleep the priority for all of society and all ages.

    there, that just reduced suicide rates, accident rates, mental disorder rates, cancer rates and obesity rates by 70%~ish and contributed significantly to overall happiness and health for everyone everywhere and saved millions in healthcare which can then be used for something better.

    also, switch to nuclear, srsly, let's do it, at least until an actually better and cleaner source of energy comes along, help the environment regenerate.
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    World politicians and corporate leaders are corrupted and need to have their financials publicly available. I mean every transaction over $1000.

    They just received or gave a $1001 donation? That individual is now under audit.

    I'm sick of allowing this corruption to fester and manifest into fascist ideologies.

    Once we have identified who these people are and they have been tried for their crimes, death is the only punishment I will accept for the most corrupt. It will send a message to the rest that corruption is not tolerated and if you're aren't with humanity, you will be removed from it.

    And before you try to say, "that sounds like fascism!" It's not. Fascism governs the people, I'm talking about governing the government by the people. Trials, judgments, punishment.

    A society that does not govern by the ideals and morals set by the society is not governed, but is oppressed. This is what we're seeing in the US. Russia has broken American moral code, and we've yet to pay the price
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    Hm, in my opinion humanity is beyond saving. It is impossible for humans to coexist - there will be always one side vs another, more realistic multiple sides clashing against each other.

    Human greed is endless - even if one would create a fair distribution system where everyone would get the same benefits (I know this is impossible)… there will be people wanting more.

    History has proven this countless times.

    I think if I could have omnipotent power, I'd like to create a pacifistic society whose core value is a simple nomad life style.

    Most people don't realize how fucking blessed they are - and while I'm against esoteric foofoo, a lifestyle where one has to life in balance with nature to survive definitely creates the necessary awareness to realize this.

    Other solution: Red Button, erase humanity completely.
    I'd probably hit it so hard it would break.
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    @IntrusionCM the thing is... Pacifism is evolutionary impossible. Without competition and survival any highly organized species is impossible.
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