
What’s your opinion on loadash?

  • 6
    never heard of it before.

    i googled it, i read "javascript library", and i immediately started hating it.
  • 1
    It was okay, at it's time. Like jQuery.
  • 4
  • 4
    Ok, why on earth do people need a library for adding two numbers ???
  • 1
    Hahaha nice. this function might be useful for some map / reduce pattern or such. As gar as I rmemeber it had sone useful stuff like checking for undefined which made some sense in very old js versions.
  • 0
    If you need a few of them functions in multiple files it's worth it. Else just use the pain js alternative.
  • 0
    Fell in love with it the moment I found the cloneDeep function
  • 0
    Lodash. Because you don't want yet another cloneDeep wanna-be package.
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