What is the hardest company to get fired from?

  • 13
    The one that won’t hire you
  • 2
    C level positions in any company. People usualy "leave for personal reasons".
  • 10
    Worked as a contractor for a large government entity. The joke was a government employee could murder someone in the office and they still may not get fired.

    However my current job at a large for-profit company seems impossible to fire anyone as well. It's annoying.
  • 1
  • 2
    Ever heard of “TCS”?
  • 4
    I'd have to say government. I had a government contact through my job and one day he just stopped responding. I asked other people he worked with and they didn't know where he was either. The guy just dropped off the face of the Earth for about 4 months. When he came back the only consequence was that his projects had been reassigned so he had to wait to be assigned new projects.
  • 1
    @jespersh "Your own?" Yeah, but there was nothing Steve Jobs couldn't do...
  • 1
    Gosh, really?!??
  • 1
    Lol true 🤣
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