Any swiss devs here?

What'd you say is a realistic annual salary in zurich at the moment for a senior backend (java) engineer with 10+ years of experience?

My online research shows somewhere between 110k-135k for bigger companies, is that realistic?

  • 1
    Sorry offtopic but is Java really still a big thing? Just curiousy, i started with java and never stopped using it but never thought it would still be used today.
  • 2
    @jonas-w yea it is.. I feel like over the past years nodejs tried to push java out but never really managed to.

    There's less demand for sure but still pretty much. As most java devs have some Js, python etc experience as well I feel like they often wanna make us fullstack devs though.
  • 1
    @just8littleBit oh ok thank you
  • 1
    @just8littleBit If anything Java is growing. Far from being a waning language, I'm seeing a heck of a lot of new development in it.
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    @AlmondSauce in which areas?
  • 1
    @jonas-w London, but seeing plenty of remote roles from the US & Europe too.
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    No experience yet, but isn't Zurich the second most expensive city in Switzerland?
    Wouldn't 110k be a little few?
  • 3
    @scor it's definitely a good salary as taxes are pretty low. I'd look for a place outside the city near the German border though 😅
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