Having fun with HTML5 custom elements and shadow DOM. Finally, a genuine way to make widget libraries.

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    Bad news: everything is stateful, everything has to be constructed and modified procedurally step-by-step, attributes are all strings and change events are forwarded in the worst way imaginable.

    The W3C had a chance to reconcile JavaScript with html and they failed. I'm not passing data in strings when I can just use a component framework that doesn't suck balls just to support string-like state (which is obviously far too slow to be the way forward anyway, even the best APIs would be too slow).
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    @lambda123 Because procedural updates introduce complex dependencies between pieces of code, while simultaneously making the code a lot longer, which makes them an endless source of bugs that simply can't occur in a declarative model.
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    @lambda123 The course you can finish in two days shouldn't make or break your choice of tech.
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    Are you from the future?
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    @lambda123 And yeah procedural is certainly faster, but this particular use case makes up for that with the cost of serializing and deserializing everything to and from text when the "public state" (another terrible idea) of the component changes
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    @lbfalvy Not sure I 100% understand your info but strings are not the only way to communicate with web components
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