Advice :
If ur family make your feel bad, it's time to leave

  • 6
    damn i wish i had known that when i was 3
  • 3
    What the fuck op, are you 12?
  • 2
    @Linux no, i'm a 26 years old man that get tired of such fucking words "do u realy u can make money with computer?", "find a real job", "you cannot success", and ...
  • 21
    @seven5689 Sounds like the advice I should have followed a long time ago...
  • 1
    Ooooooh, I totally understand you.

    I was in the same slot, until I got a paycheck that was bigger then both my parentes.

    So you live with them?
  • 2
    dont let it get to you.. some people just dont know how little they know
  • 1
    @Linux yes i do. actually i want to be on my own way but it seems they don't like my way
  • 2
    I wish you all the luck in your search for your own habitat
  • 2
    to me it sounds like they just dont know the way you want to take and that scares them. even though i am alot younger and my parents are too, i often feel like they have no idea how successful you can be as a programmer 😅
    it is just a relatively new technology and to many people it still seems like witchcraft. and honestly, sometimes i also think its too good to be true to get 100.000€+/year for coding 😎
  • 1
    @stimulate sure, i will do that. Thanks
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