Why on earth do you want export to excel functionality.


  • 3
    Because often management thinks Excel is the great invention ever. Better than fire or the wheel. I had a top officer at a Fortune 100 company a few years ago that bragged in the press that the company ran on Excel - like it was something we should be proud of.
  • 1
    I dread this functionality so much. My work uses accounting software that has an API. But it also allows import via Excel files. So what did the devs here do before me? They have their software create an Excel file just to be imported in a nonExcel application. And now I can't change this behavior because they don't want change that affects the way our office works.
  • 0
    Because it's kind of smart to use a tool that people already know instead of spending months building your own table data presentation tool
  • 0
    Excel is so ridiculously powerful when you know what you're doing. At the same time if they need to send that data to anyone else it still makes sense.
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