the ultimate dick move: invite your dev to a meeting, scheduled a few weeks ahead, with title "performance issues", without any further comments or notice in advance. when dev, seeing this invitation and feeling kicked right in the face, asks if this meeting is about a certain project or their individual working performance, just answer "both" without any further comments. if they have any more questions about it, just tell them you have no time to answer because meetings.

  • 8
    Seems like you work in a bad work environment from the rants I eead
  • 39
    Invite them back to a meeting titled "communication issues"
  • 13
    @electrineer the ultimate power move.

    I would make it for the same date and time and only show up to that one.
  • 2
    @soll00t if you are considering a switch let me know, I might be able to help if you are based in Germany
  • 7
    @haoumoenica not suspicious at all from a green dot 😶
  • 0
    @electrineer it's my 2nd week on the platform and I haven't gotten the chance to change it
  • 4
    @electrineer thank you, that gave me a good laugh. ❤
    i guess it will come to a meeting like that if this shit keeps going on...
  • 0
    Dammit I qint got the time to rant to earn enough points to create my avatar 🤣🤣🤣
  • 0
    @haoumoenica thanks for the offer 😅 not sure tho if it's a great idea to recruit people who frequently post anonymous rants about their work in the internet xD
  • 1
    You're half-right. But who will know? I'm an agent of chaos
  • 0
    @haoumoenica okay, i'm interested
  • 0
    Have you ever tried honeypot.io?
  • 5
  • 2
    @sariel nonono, honeypotting* 🤣
  • 1
    @sariel wait, don't answer that
  • 7
    update meeting to "pizza party" and provide pizza

    do it!
  • 3
    @soull00t a quick question… why are you still working there? And… a suggestion: start looking for a greener pasture, since that one rotten.
  • 6
    @SuspiciousBug awesome idea xD then i can also demonstrate how performant i am at eating pizza
  • 5
    @100110111 i really like the place i'm working at. the working atmosphere is good, we build interesting things, i learn a lot and also i get a lot of positive feedback from people. it's currently only this one single project with this PM that's so fucked up (and honestly, also the general management in our department has a lot of room for improvement, so it's not all his fault). if it wasn't for this project, i'd be quite happy. on a technical level, this new project is also interesting and i'm learning a lot there. but management-wise it is a catastrophe...
  • 5
    tell them you have no time to spend on decreasing your performance by attending the meeting since you're working on improving the project performance.
  • 0
    @soull00t wait until Management changes(retire) and then decide to make you move.
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