Is making an HTML signature part of a backend developer's Job?

Don't mind setting them up on the clie t's server but, ffs sake, I don't give a sh*t how they look.

This feels like a huge waste of time since the designers have the fucking tools to do it

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    A what?
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    it's a huge waste of time because html signatures are terrible, terrible, TERRIBLE, they should be burned, along with everyone who doesn't think html-mails in general are an abomination.
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    @sariel Email HMTL signature. They are dumb but business ppl like them.

    Usually the designers build them with their tools. First time I get asked to build one since they have nothing to do with backend dev.
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    @tosensei I actually really like formatted newsletters just like formatted webpages because it's way easier to skim over them for information I need. For mail and documents that I read sequentially it's just an obstruction though.
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    @nachocode yeah... Wasting your backend devs time on design shit isn't normal, nor good business practice.
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    @sariel That's what I thought. I get the urgency but ffs there are tools out there...
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    Is there a process for your backend development you can use to slow down the signature development? Then make it wrong, but take forever to fix it.
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    What @Demolishun suggested.

    But take it.to the next level:
    Make it as painful as possible, and get as many Managers as possible to "Approve/Sign off/Have a stake" in the new signature process. Try to get them to argue about it. Get represntatives of manager that already have a problem with the other manager.....
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    no, FE guys design those, we just dump it into a templating engine, wire the data and package with the email. We shouldn't design them. Not that it's hard or anything, but it literally sucks out your soul
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    @Hazarth exactly. Plus there are tools they can do to generate that crap. One of the designers was surpised I didn't have Photoshop.
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    @lbfalvy i really hate newsletters in the first place.

    in a world with RSS-feeds, they have NO reason to exist, except provide spammers with a cover.
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