Real devs have a vitamin d deficiency

  • 4
    So. True. But then B12 is not a problem (Red Bull etc) 😋
  • 9
    *it burns us, precious*
  • 10
    happy hacker here, gave the vitamin D deficiency to my wife
  • 2
    @sideways Same here :D
  • 4
    @mhudson Lookin' handsome 😜
  • 9
    Well, I actually have been diagnosed with that few months ago. It was totally wrecking the way I feel. It is actually no joke guys.
  • 3
    Sun ages skin prematurely anyway. Best to keep exposure to a minimum!
  • 5
    @genex i know, my wife has it for real, she now has to take vitamin D shots worth 50000mμ a piece, she had a level vitamin D of 13, where they say 40 is already a reaaaally low value. you know you can actually die from a too low vitamin D value.........
  • 2
    @sideways My condition is not that bad I guess, I don't have to take it in the form of shots. I wish her all the best!
  • 1
    @genex thanks, much appreciated! You too.
  • 1
    @sideways take your wife to a sunny beach holiday!! 😎🌞
  • 0
    Pfffft. The sun gives you skin cancer, people!
  • 0
    Doctors suggest me to walk in sun for at least 5 minutes/day 😂. I go to work stay in a warehouse all day long get of for lunch 5 min walk back to work and home.
  • 0
    @kickass I don't have b12 as well that cause my back to loose strength
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