
When u use i3 and vim on arch linux so u wont have to touch the mouse and then remember that you're a web dev.

  • 6
    HIGH FIVE!! I also use i3wm on arch, but I prefer nano. What shell do you use?
  • 3
    @Linusero recently started to use tmux in gnome bash. Although some functionalities are already given in i3 i like it.
  • 5
    @maalur I use zsh with a theme called "bullet train" and it's​ awesome, it makes the terminal really comfortable

  • 1
    @Linusero that sounds awesome. Will definitely try that one!
  • 7
    All I can think about right now is: "nVidia, f**k you!"
  • 6
    Have you tried links, lynx, elinks or w3m?

    <troll>Or just not being a web dev?</troll>
  • 1
    Here mouse got fucked on other hand...
  • 3
    switched to i3/tmux this for about a year now. Guess who's never going back :D
  • 3
    @Tychus yep me too. Finally no more unnecessary ui elements that you never use.
  • 5
    Use something like "vimuim" or "vimfx" to ditch mouse until you want to test specific mouse events?
  • 2
    @Linusero my prompt theme is very similar to yours, I'm using zsh with powerlevel9k (I keep the clock at end of the prompt)
  • 6
    I use VimFX with Firefox. Most of the job gets done without using the mouse. This is mostly for backends. If you're developing front-end then you can't escape the mouse!
  • 1
    So true mahn, so true.
  • 5
    That's my desktop, using Arch Linux with i3-gaps and polybar. I like using "micro" instead of vim/nano. I used to use vim.
  • 1
    @troopy712139 What's an app at the bottom right?
  • 2
  • 1
    @rayanon you beat me to it :)
  • 2
    @troopy712139 oh shit that looks awesome
    I wish my desktop had that much swag
  • 2
    @aile11 haha it's not hard. You can do it too. Just check on /r/unixporn. They have a lot of awesome posts by other users who does "ricing" on their Linux.
  • 1
    @troopy712139 unixporn... That's creative

    Btw, is that In the picture gnome?
  • 3
    @aile11 nope, it's a window manager called "i3wm", but I am using a different version called "i3-gaps" which provides what the gaps between each window.
  • 0
    @troopy712139 I tried a few, I'm happy with gnome atm, tried KDE but it seemed a bit unstable when I tried it

    I'd still try other stuff though
    But I guess that'll wait, it's 02:00 in the morning... Zzzzzz...
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