I have to implement a gymconnect client in flutter and im quite lost.

I have already connected my flutter app to the device via Bluetooth and started to read some of the data but im not sure if im doing it well.

Could someone give me a tip about implementing this kind of client? Any tip can help a lot, thanks.

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    What device exactly?
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    @jonas-w Its suposed to be a static bike of a company that implemented the gymconnect serverside, but since it is hard to move the whole bike they just lent us a arduino like Bluetooth motherboard.
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    @jonas-w so yeah its a little bit complicate, thats why I was asking for general tips
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    Is this a from wahoo?
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    @jonas-w sorry, I do not understand the question
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    @DavidBrun when i search gymconnect the Brand "wahoo" pops up.

    The question is, is this gymconnect protocol/api open or is there any Dokumentation about it?

    If not, well then you would probably need to reverse engineer something.

    But idk never worked with ANT+ bluetooth devices
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