
New HOE came. He “streamlined” the processes and “standardised” the policies. And in turn.. fucked up the whole startup feel of my company.

I saw it happening right in front of my eyes in a matter of only few months.

Earlier, things were flexible, work was fun, people were even ready to put in more hours because we were all having fun. Now, work feels like work, fun is gone, frustration has become normal, and the most frustrating part is that.. WFH is now a “privilege”.

Fuck this shit man! That fucker exhausted the whole company in just a few months. Given enough time, he will be the end of this company.

  • 7
    I had a very similar thing. Some people just don't get that you need the human resource to be happy, settled and motivated.
  • 3
    the new CEO or is it a consultant or what?
  • 8
    That HOE is a bitch
  • 4
    @matt-jd Head of Engineering
  • 2
    A lot of people don't realise that humans aren't like other machines. They are flawed by having personal needs and feelings. Failing to account for that often severely limits their productivity.

    Making work feel like work has been the end of many companies.
  • 2
    man fk them hoes
  • 1

    Well. It's quite the definition of engineering.
    To analyse, abstract and streamline / standardise.
    Your company asked for organisational drag.
    So.. Here it is! 🥳

    Counter with 'time, talent, energy' of the 'bain Co.'
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