
If I had a penny for every time I misspelt 'nginx', I'd be richer that Bill Fucking Gates.

Could you have picked a more typo-prone name!?

  • 7
    Engine X ... nginx ... nope... don't see why you'd miss spell it.
  • 8
    Well, since Bill Gates has a net worth of 86.9 million USD, that would mean you would have misspelt nginx 8,690,000,000 times. lets say it took you 1s to type nginx incorrectly and recognise the error. That would mean you would have had to repeatedly misspell it one after the other for ca. 275 Years. So I don't believe you.
  • 2
    I've typed clera to many times.
  • 5
    Allways say "n ginx" on my head, never misspelled it this way
  • 2
    You can make an alias if you would like
  • 0
    @azous engine x :3
    What concerns me more is that op has to do this manually, repeatedly
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