
Boss yelled at lead mobile dev for low productivity because the project manager present him wrong timetables and added accidentally one more week of work.

Next day boss yelled at the lead mobile dev cause the back end wasnt working well.

Project manager and lead back end developer enjoy life! Front is hell :P

  • 3
    So I take it that you are the lead mobile dev

    Next time tell him to get his facts right before openning his mouth.

    Facts matter, science matters ...
  • 0
    Indeed. But seriously how many devs respond like that even if they are right to their bosses?
  • 1
    Let me guess, the lead mobile dev is he newest of the three, and the other two have better office politics?
    There is no easy way to solve this. I avoid this completly by making sure the boss hears when I talk/shout at the one who caused the problem. Make you sound like you push things forwards, and the boss kniws who fucked up.
  • 2
    @xplicit I do.

    I don't tolerate being blamed for other people's incompetence.
  • 0
    @xplicit Fuck yea you should tell him. You're not doing him any favours by not correcting his misconceptions.

    Just don't politicise it. There's no turning back from that.
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