
I love Asus Products but who thought it would be a good idea to have the POWER BUTTON right above the DAMN DELETE KEY!?!?!?!!?
I often press the FUCKING POWER BUTTON accidentally... GOD DAMMIT...

  • 8
    Same problem with the power button on the side of the HP Spectre. Whenever I plug in a USB cable on the opposite side I have to steady it by holding the side with the power button. And then I put it to sleep.
  • 21
    you can change in windows settings so power button is ignored. (it will still work hard turnoff by holding 5 sec, and power button in start menu will still work)

    hold down windows key, press r
    write "control", enter
    click"system and security", then power settings, then under "edit settings" right to your selected schedule,select advanced settings.
    Then "power button and lid", "Power button: Select Do nothing" Apply then OK.
  • 5
    ASUS? Try ever MacBook ever...
  • 1
    Thanks, I didn't know that!
  • 1
    @runfrodorun ? Windows is a real operating system.
  • 1
    Same here, but it never happened to me
  • 6
    That's actually the backspace key, not the Delete key.
  • 1
    Your name... 😄
    But thanks anyway. Little mistake...
  • 4
    @matsaki95 Well, not perfectly actually, as it was not a grammar issue.
  • 2
    @matsaki95 technically it would be an IT-nazi since those two keys are different by function. It's not a grammar or vocabulary issue, it's as if you said it's a bicycle when it's really a car... Yeah, they're both on the road, but that's about it for their similarities.
  • 1
    Unless you hold it down nothing happens so.... it's not really an issue for me
  • 1
    I had a similar issue..
    just turn it off in advanced power options if you are using windows.
    but other than the solution thats a fucking retarded design
  • 1
    Did you mean SNSV?
  • 1
    Bought this a few years ago, still love it to bits. No power button problems at all.
  • 1
    @donoskaro Yeah, I think there's a delay on the key on a Mac. But same design!!
  • 1
    LOL, that is Apple design stolen.
  • 2
    One of my classmates laptop :D

    The worst is having the button on the side though.
    I noticed 2 classmates having that, it's completely stupid.
  • 1
    Apple did the same thing. They solved it by removing the power button completely.
  • 2
    @grosten yeah I also like turning my pc on by magic, so convenient
  • 2
    Amateurs... I never turn off my computer 😎
  • 2
    @Bikonja me neither, hate opening all the programs again :P
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