If I say that I hate mondays, i think most of you bois and girls will share the same feelings.
So, here is my plan, someone with gud leadership skills must start a petition to boycott Mondays, and then we will introduce another Sunday in its place. That way, we'll have 2 Sundays in a week(Sunday is everyone's favourite day). We will have 2 Sundays in a week and no Monday; everyone will be happier. The world will become a better place.

It's time to raise our voice.

  • 2
    But then Sunday will become the new Monday and we'll just be having this conversation again
  • 2
    Oh Yeah! Lets just rename all the days to sundays actually, that way we can finally live in an utopia
  • 1
    Become a senior freelance and make it clear that you never work on a Monday.
  • 3
    Sunday is not the best day because you remember that tomorrow is Monday
  • 3
    @electrineer is right.
    We also need to keep Monday to make the other days look better in comparison. Friday is fine as-is so I vote we replace Thursday with another Saturday instead. That way, Wednesday becomes like a second Friday as well. Everyone on board?
  • 1
    Mondays are okay. It is the tuesdays that really are the problem. We need to get rid of them completely. No replacement - just cut them out. The resulting week would be a day shorter but i am sure, that the resulting side effects are manageable...
  • 1
    @Oktokolo We can do a leap 24 hours on Sunday.
  • 1
    @Demolishun Now that you mention it, we definitely need to have short and long weeks and the exact order of them has to be irregular and religion-specific...
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