Made a simulation/game in java using swing that runs on this algorithm:

-2D array was made (kinda like a chessboard).
-Random living cell was placed on the board.
-If a cell has X or less cells around it (living) it duplicates.
-If a cell has Y or more cells around it, it dies.

I was amazed at the types of shapes this created. There were so many variables I could play with, and probably spent hours just experiementing. I was really satisfied in the end. 😄

  • 3
    Conway's Game of Life ring a bell?
  • 0
    @GinjaNinja Never knew that existed... I feel defeated...
  • 3
    Without prior knowledge of its existence, you recreated a masterpiece. So what if you didn't use humanity's pool of general knowledge - you tapped into the mind of someone great. You don't really get to feel discoraged.
  • 0
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