programming languages are not designed to talk to computers, they are designed to be readable by other programmers.

please code like it.

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    or comment them
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    @brav0 nope. Comments = you wrote bad code and it messing with the flow. You don't have footnotes merged with the text you read.
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    @csessh very seldom. If I have the urge to comment, I try to make the code more clear. I also refactor my code as much as I can until anyone can understand it. A good naming is important, so are the length and function of the methods...
  • 1
    i like that ! i will start to think more about that from now on 😊
  • 2
    anyone who finds this confusing should lookup:
    'Clean Code' by Robert M. Martin
    or search for the videos by Uncle Bob, (also Robert M. Martin) or just the term 'clean code' in general.
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    @nerd-san Yes, that book is awesome! Should be obligatory to read before getting any job as a developer
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    Can't agree more, man
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