
The shaking animation of FilePond when an upload has failed is not "aesthetic". It just rubs the error into my face. I am already frustrated enough that the upload faaaaaaiiiled (each time when I read "failed" on a computer screen, it sounds like whining to me. Computer/Website: "I FAAAILLED😭😭😭😭😭" OH, CRY ME A _______ RIVER, YOU UTTER LOSER!!!! You are made to WORK, not to 😭F😭A😭I😭L😭. ).

FilePond is nice, but do you think your stupid "oh-so-aesthetic" shaking animation when an upload 😭😭😭FAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIILED😭😭😭 makes me happier? The red gradient at the top and the "Error during upload" text is enough. Two indicators of 😭f😭a😭i😭l😭u😭r😭e😭 already. But this shaking animation is one "straw too much on the camel's back".

Sorry for insincere language. I just had to get this off my chest unfiltered.

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    They could make you solve a captcha to retry the download and add a base chance of failure depending on your membership level.
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    @Oktokolo FilePond is not a file sharing service but a JavaScript widget to facilitate uploading. It is well-made, but this annoying iOS-like shaking animation rubs errors into users' faces.

    I think " Do you believe this makes me any less angry about the failure? ".
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