
So I started my new job yesterday. My manager seems like a nice person & co-workers too.

Meanwhile I found out they use Eclipse and SVN. I've been learning and using git. Now gotta learn subversion. Oh and all Java development I did was on Netbeans.
I'm learning Swift (3) and I saw few projects in objective-C.
Man they must really be seeing something in me.

I'm hoping Eclipse and SVN isn't as bad. Reading rants here makes it seem pretty bad lol.

I'm excited to learn though, gotta dive right in.

  • 1
    SVN isn't bad. People just prefer Git on here.

    It's actually one of the most used VCS.
  • 2
    They're just tools. You'll figure them out. If you know the concepts of using an IDE to help you code and using source control, everything else is just detail. SVN is not as rich (read: complicated) as git.
  • 1
    Svn isn't so bad I guess, if you don't have any other option. I used it for years and I loved it. Then 4 years ago I learned about git and then I could see how much it sucks in comparison. I don't know if it has improved in any way in the last couple of years though.

    For starters, forget about branching as you know it. And be ready to deal with those annoying ".svn" folders EVERYWHERE.
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