
Good day sires. I come to call out Android OS. I think Android OS is bad; it limits the freedom. We must call out Android OS it is our duty as software enlightened because the regular people cannot do it; they do not understand.

Rise up Android OS hater army 😡😡😡

Android bad. We will be heard

  • 2
    I don't like Android either. Do you know a good alternative?
  • 1
    Oh sure.
    Ios is what then?
  • 2
    Android must go back to its roots. Bring back Android 4
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    Yeah, remove all permissions, so that apps can use all your battery in background and record you while your taking a poop.
  • 1
    Are your hatred towards Google Play Store policies or /truly/ against Android?

    Also, hah, you haven't gave us anything to hate on. Come on, convert me.
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    @hinst oh just install root

    ba dum tss
  • 2

    Lineage is Android ;)
  • 0
    @Linux Yup.
    But not google branded.
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    Not sure where OP is coming from, but I agree that Android, as you get it from the store, is bullshit. An android device only becomes useful once the community manages to build something that works for it, but that applies to too few devices. And even then there are problems. It's a disgrace that no device runs mainline kernel when you buy it.
  • 1
    Android good
    Google bad

    Change my mind

    // btw for people wanting to de-google and de-bloat without root: -> with adb you can uninstall even apps that arent allowed to be deactivated/uninstalled. Although they come back after factory reset
    Note: Playstore Alternatives: Aurora Store, fdroid, uptodown store
  • 1
    If you apply that logic, anything is bad.

    Don't buy in the supermarket, as many food brands are "super evil".

    Don't buy in the hardware store, as much of the material used to create stems from unethical work.

    Don't buy in the local coffee shops / restaurants / ..., as many intentionally hide the information regarding origin of products (for obvious reasons...).


  • 4
    @joewilliams007 As an Android developer, I really like debloat users. I often scratch my head, looking at random crash reports :)

    Tough I will agree. Google is becoming too deeply entangled with Android.
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    @WildOrangutan its more like the apps need to the cleaned up, les resource usage+better startup time.
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