Last night, after reading one of my computer science textbooks, I couldn't go to sleep because I came to the realization that computers will never be able to think like humans. Because a machine does what it's told to do. It is incapable of thinking outside of the box. What will need to happen is that parts of a human or some biological organism, essentially the squishy stuff, will need to be combined with a computer.

What I mean to say is that computers are good at answering questions in an absolute way. Essentially, you give it a problem and it will click away at it until some output pops out. Yes advanced AI exists, like Alpha Go. But again it's only doing what it was programmed to do. Looking at ways to play a game and answering for that question. In this case, playing a game of Go. I'll guarantee you, that not once did it stop to ask **why** it was playing Go. It was simply__just__ playing Go. But that's it. That's the limit. We give machines data/statistics and we let me them give us an answer based off of that data or input.

This is how I imagine intelligent machines will come about. A biological brain will be combined with a machine. The brain will be doing alot of the questions, and the machine will do a lot of the calculations. Together, they'll be able to answer hard questions. The heavy calculations will be left to the machine, and the heavy thoughts will be left to the brain.

I mean technically we're already doing that. But imagine a machine/brain computer that does not sleep, can't get sidetracked and will never procrastinate. That would be a scary machine.

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    Let's agree to disagree.
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    @matsaki95 oh man, if only we had a smart enough machine to help us here
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    @matsaki95 I was just testing for an AI in this thread.

    So are you a bio AI ;)
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    If everyone had our brains then yes, it would be hard for computers to take over but the majority of people don't...

    I mean how the hell did we end up with Trump as the President. Either the majority is dumb and believes whatever they want to believe (but not necessarily true) or we're all anarchists.
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    @billgates <strike>anarchists</strike> masochists
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    This post is quite appropriate for your username xD
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    There are yet parts of brain/nerve systems that we don't quite understand yet. But given the advancement in science, I see that such AI can be possible someday in the future.

    Maybe this is a baby step towards a greater thing, check out this small robot that passed the self-awareness test that only humans could handle until now..
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    What about neural network and deep learning?🤔
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    @developeter not as close to the brain, plus requiring training models need loads of heavy hardware, which in turn requires $$$$$$
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    @developeter @sam9669 is right. The problem is that a neural network is just a solution to a particular problem. A neural network doesn't strive for more answers to other questions. It simply answers one that a particular persons asks it. In the end, a neural network may be able to learn patterns but it will never stop to wonder why it should understand these patterns.
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    @tisaconundrum this is where AI steps in and it can process a random conversation from the speaker, but I still doubt it answer the question "ARE YOU SELF CONSCIOUS?"
    Famous dialogue from Transcendence, god I love that movie
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    The Singularity series (4 books, tech-fiction) from William Hertling gives some nice views on that topic and personally, I'd say the way the AI emerges in the first book isn't that far fetched.
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    @sam9669 I just saw a 666 today and now I see this... Is this a sign? A bad omen?

    Guess it suits u to... If you flip it around you get 9999
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    But our brains are only running such complex logic that you don't see that it's logic. How could you see the logic behind the very thing that you run off of? You cannot because it is literally the most complex thing that you can comprehend - yourself. Machines will be able to "think for themselves" eventually, but realize that the only difference between computers and humans is our transistors are made of flesh rather than metal.
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    @tisaconundrum your caps lock is on btw
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    What about quantum computers?
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    @katbreitin they'll think like goods and enslave humanity
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    @billgates will they only think like goods and not like commodity and market shares in general ?
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    @sam9669 typo... and strangely i never remember replying this is rant.... i had a wierd night last night it seems...
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    @billgates that also happens to me when I drink too much scotch at once
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