C/C++ is so fucking unreadable. Who had the cancer idea to use abbreviations for EVERYTHING?? If a word is longer than 3 chars you can be sure those psychologically unstable devs will use a shortcut.
Pointer ==> ptr
test_and_set ==> fucking t_a_s
rollback ==> rb
I don't want to play a shitty word guessing game for every fucking function in your horribly documented api.

  • 4
    Wtf dude, those abbreviations make sense with the context. I mean what could shared_ptr mean beside shared pointer? For test and set and stuff, atomic library is unreadable, I agree, but the rest make sense dude
  • 0
    And Idk where you found rb btw
  • 4
    That's not a problem of the language, you can have shitty naming with any language.

    Or how the well-known quote says:
    A goood Fotran programmer can write Fortran in any language
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