  • 17
    Wait you have those at work??
    Sausage fest over here. :-/
  • 2
  • 6
    @mhudson there's tons of them on The Internet, my dude

    Hence, distractions 😇
  • 6
    @theactionslacks thanks to the internet, our generation has probably seen more boobs than all of our ancestors combined... Think about that.
  • 0
    @4ndyc0d3r judging by the content, god had nothing to do with it ;)
  • 0
    @pascalwacker It is because God done them that BOOBIES ARE THE BEST!
  • 1
    @awsomeCoder there are other parts of a human body that are able to bring you even more joy, you know...
  • 2
    @pascalwacker let me just google that!! Even more amazing then boobs?? What on earth is it??
  • 1
    @awsomeCoder you've got a lot to learn young padawan.
  • 5
    I'm a simple guy. I see boobies, I ++
  • 0
    @4ndyc0d3r JavaScript i know a bit, and i can see why you say that. C++ I WILL LEARN IT!! They say it is well paid!! xD
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