
Can we just stop hating on some programming languages? What's the point? All languages have their pros and cons. Deal with it.

  • 7
    Dude it's devrant 😂, what else did u expect? It's all about the bad parts of programming languages or Microsoft
  • 0
    @cgrey You're right but... people hate on php just becuase they can. They have no reason..?
  • 5
    Algol? Forth? Modula-2? Smalltalk?

    Seriously, find a good reason to use any of these over now modern/current languages, and I'll eat my hat.
  • 1
    @RevThwack I'd love to see you eat your hat
  • 1
    @liammartens I've got plenty of hot sauce...
  • 0
    @RevThwack I strongly believe it would be quite amusing to watch
  • 1
    Good ol' TCL. Gonna write the frontend for my next Delphi backend in it
  • 0
    @RevThwack @liammartens how about legacy support? There's got to be a company somewhere that has a Narnia type project in SmallTalk or something xD.

    Can I buy you a fedora to eat?
  • 5
    Except PHP. It has no pros. FUCK YOU ZEND FRAMEFUCK
  • 0
    @DucksCanCode saying "legacy support" isn't showing a pro of using a language. Also, with languages as old, obsolete, and esoteric as these, you're almost guaranteed to either improve your business process, decrease support costs, and improve future viability by migrating to a current platform/language. Hell, people are fleeing from COBOL because of these very reasons, and it's a more robust and better option than any of these for most any problem.
  • 4
    "Can't we all just git along?"


    Yeah, I'll see myself out.
  • 1
    @RevThwack sure not a pro or a benefit, but your original question was for a good reason. A good reason would be having to support legacy code that for some reason or another hasn't been migrated yet.
  • 1
    @cdrice hehe, so bad it's good
  • 5
    Nope, we can't. Java sucks
  • 2
    You're right, of course. All languages excel at something. It's just easy to hate on a language that excels at -one- thing. 😂
  • 0
    @Kimmax TCL is useful for writing test harnesses. See sqlite testing suite ;)
  • 0
    Just gona leave this here link to a guy saying VB is better then C#, makes me laugh especially the comments. https://simple-talk.com/dotnet/...
  • 0
    are u supporting scratch
  • 1
    All hail brainfuck!!!
  • 0
    @hyeonu it's the language of future.
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