
"Why is this taking so long?"

"Unforeseen complications"

"Why didn't you factor that in while estimating?"

"Because thats impossible, by definition."

  • 2
    Hence "unforeseen"

    But that's too simple for them to notice
  • 9
    Many institutions do accept or even expect people to include an arbitrary time allocation for unforeseen issues :) it's pretty standard procedure.
  • 0
    Hope my boss read this. . . 😂
  • 0
    I can totally relate to this lol!
  • 0
    "Prepare for unforeseen consequences"
  • 4
    I don't need to estimate unforeseen consequences.

    "How long does it take? "
    "3 months when everything goes well."
    "We told the customer it takes 2 months. "
    "okay. "

    Expected time to finish:
    6 months , 3 for the job, 1for unforeseen stuff and 2 for doing other projects on a higher priority.
  • 1
    This is why for some task I double or even quadruple my time estimation in order to have time these unforseen complications as a buffer.

    Still doesn't save one from being off. And still some manager will treat an estimation to complete as a promise to complete.
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