Background: I am working on task x. On successful completion of task x, task y may be given to me. Task x is haaaaaard. My group is not the only player and any fuck up will break my group and at least two others. Now here is my story:

Me: Yeah I am doing this hard thing and that hard thing and getting ready for these hard meetings.

FormerCoWorker fcw (): wow that sounds hard.

CurrentCoWorker ccw (): yeah he's working on task x and task you.

Me me (): what? No I'm not. I am working on task x. Don't go randomly assigning me tasks like that.

ccw: well if you finish task x you will be an expert in section z of code. So it is only natural you take on task you.

me: yeah but task x sucks and task y is why several engineers have quit the company. You never know. You could be assigned task y and quit. Why do I have to take on task y and quit?

NGL, I will do it of they promote me. I may be a whore, but I am gonna get paid.

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