New job, strict devops role. I asked the devs they're painpoints, no mention of local dev stack.

Spin up a local dev stack and it's a garbage fire. No feature flags, env vars, docker. Have to be careful due to devs using staging databases for dev work.

This is going to be a problem...

  • 3
    @zlice True, but to many is also a pain.

    Here we have :

    * Dev

    * Staging

    * Test

    * Training

    * Live

    We now have reached the point where all tests are done in Dev and then pushed to Live.

    All nice and they followed the rules for the 2-3 first months...

    And here I am with a second platform that needs test data to test stuff but can't because the freaking test database has not been updated since ages...
  • 2
    Prod db should be automatically used to build the other databases and seeders. Ideally with privacy obfuscation built in.
  • 0
    'they are painpoints'??

    'their', dude.

    Forgiven if that was autocorrect, ofc.
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