so much good music in this world for us lowly mortals

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    But so much bad music to sift through before we get to the good stuff
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    The most good music is from
    1970-2000 after that the good to bad music ratio is like 1/5 (probably even lower In the last 5-10 years)
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    @jonas-w yeah but the amount of music that is released has increased massively, so there's still more good music being released than ever before.
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    @electrineer yes but it is harder to find
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    @jonas-w counter hypothesis: the good-to-bad-ratio is the same. it's just that the bad music of 1970-2000 isn't being listened to today (because it's bad) - but more recent bad music _is_ (because it's still new, and people are dumb enough to like bad things if they are new).

    or in cynical: nobody left to remember the _bad_ music of the seventies.
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    @tosensei mhm, but the charts back then were definitely better than these today.
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    @jonas-w don't know. in my musical taste, "charts" were always complete and utter garbage and a surefire indicator what _not_ to listen to.
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    @tosensei for me it is like this today, but looking at the charts back then i find much good stuff. At least for artists, often their most listened to songs aren't their best in my opinion. But in the charts back then you can find many good artists
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