
I met a rather talented developer some time ago that is highly proficient in C# as well as React and Angular for the creation of web programs.
Dude knows the ins and outs of C#, has been working on it since the early stages of ASP.NET.

I am always intrigued as to why certain people chose certain languages. When I asked him, he admitted to being very lost during his early days, and somehow settled on C# because of the file extension being cs, which made him think that it was the proper Computer Science programming language, get it? because of CS?

Now a days he does use a wide variety of stacks and languages, and he keeps up to date, not one of those "I don't need to learn anything new!" types of developers, the dude is absolutely l337, but i keep thinking that such a talented developer had such a funny start.

  • 3
    I had a friend during college who love C language and believed that C is the only true hardcore language.

    Now, he can code in any language that he encounter/learn.
  • 2
    When I first heard of functional programming I thought wow, I don't like OO because of the mysterious state, the boilerplate and indirection, so I would love to try something that's very functional...like, you know, focused on doing things! I was completely at sea. I was disappointed when I understood what "functional" meant, but I stayed interested anyway.
  • 0
    @sayasyedakmal well, he ain't wrong, C is the language of big dick people
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    @dotnope it do be like that
  • 1
    I chose C# because I was edgy back then.
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