
The joke told itself

  • 3
    Love it.

    Id tell the new guys to "grab the restore floppy from the breakroom" near lunchtime when people are microwaving things etc
  • 3
    There is an old, legendary talk show host in my country who says "Audience is renewed", but this such a repost that even she would agree there is a limit.
  • 0
    @Eariel Tbh I never saw this before. :) Maybe​ I'm too much of a freshman​ but I found this funny.
  • 0
    Nah, that little magnet wouldn't do any harm.
  • 0
    Just pass a magnet on your hard drive to format it...
  • 0
    he will be crying out of his ignorance when he has to restore something. =)
  • 0
    Well I know that a magnet can damage a smartphone and a hard drive... Trust me, I found out the hard way
  • 4
    Kids would be like: why you put a save button on your fridge?
  • 0
    Why weed at Sky is bad? Shouldn't weed make you fly? Ohhh... That's Red Bull
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