Dear Gradle,
I just modified a single attribute value in an XML. Please!!
You just built the whole thing a few minutes ago.. Why do you wanna... Oh well...

Gradle build running....

  • 2
    Stop developing on a potato ;-p
  • 0
    MacBook Pro 15 :)
  • 1
    @mephisto22 Umm, I'm not that good with apple books. I7@2,2ghz or something? The slow performance of the build is surprising. For me it's max 5 sec on a large project with an Dell laptop. Maybe it's your hard drive?
  • 2
    At least it finished!
  • 2
    @mephisto22 stop developing on a potato...
  • 0
    Yes it only happens for this one project. Because of all the code generation libraries like Dagger 2 that it is using, indices of compiled files change every time I change code which causes Gradle to think that it needs to rebuild everything again. :/
  • 1
    I've had more luck using an emulator instead of a real device, maybe you could try that. Instant run fails a lot more often on real devices for me.
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