>Kotlin has like 0.1% market share and is basically a java framework

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    I have used it on Android very successfully a few times.
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    @ridecar2 im happy for you but that does not correlate with the post at all
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    @RazorSh4rk it is byte code compatible but it is more than a framework because it handles some things very different. E.g. Null handling, packages, not everything is a class...
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    Would be more equivalent to what Elm does
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    Kotlin is a language. It can be compiled on its own, to Java byte, or to Javascript.

    Also aren't all languages just frameworks of machine code in the way that you're implying?
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    @Darkler lol no they arent, machine code is not universal
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    @rantalicious finally someone sensible
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    Christ is this what apple people had to deal with when swift became a thing?
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    More supported languages is good.

    Imagine if you could only develop for PCs in one language — the world would've been a much less innovative place.

    I don't know whether Kotlin is awesome enough to replace Java eventually, or whether it will die off again, but the maintainability risk should be up to product owners and CTOs, not the platform.
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    All the java fans are suddenly butt hurt even though kotlin, scala and probably also clojure worked fine on Android for quite a while now...
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    Either trolling or very ignorant. Either way pisses me off. Attain more knowledge before spouting bullshit. That is all
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    Ever looked at clojure? It also compiles to the jvm, but surely you wouldn't call it a framework. The syntax is wildly different.

    Or does this mean all languages that have a llvm backend are frameworks for each other? C, and D, (and kotlin, now), and Rust can all compile to something common: LLVM bytecode.
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    Kotlin is awesome though! :)

  • -1
    Check out the best kotlin tutorial or courses recommended by programming community.

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    Aged Like Milk:


    It's not really a framework OR a language. It's some kind of an abstraction. I'ts useless in my opinion and fast forwrds three years from now, we'll have to maintin code in an abstraction that will be so radically different from Java or its previous versions that we will be barely able to not have our heads explode. Mark my words!
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