Love late night working like this 😍

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    Dark theme is best for any kind of code
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    @m-anees #SudoNanoMasterRace
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    Took me a whole night to understand recyclerview lists. Ordinary listviews are so much easier.
  • 0
    @Forside list views are faster in terms of getting it ready, but then u will see it is the best thing to happen, especially when you have to switch grid and list, add buttons to ur list item. I recall that was a pain to do in listviews
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    Would agree... But instead I need to recognize that you're using a Macbook. My heart is bleeding right now and my collection of ibm and lenovo thinkpads started to cry in 8 bit sounds :D sry but no apple is good apple

    (sent from iPhone 6s) ^^._.
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    I see retrofit and recycler view
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    @GurpreetSK95 yup u got it right
    Learning Retrofit , RxJava and RetroLamda by implementing them
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    @savvisingh I also wanna start with rx once these shit exams of mine end 😂🙈🙈
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    @savvisingh is it a dell inspiron?
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    @hiehuehue nope a macbook
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    Dark theme ftw
    ...need a keyboard with backlight =(
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    Bro, i also love developing for android in night theme it's so beautifull
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    What Laptop is it? Its Dope AF!
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    @Rudraksh There's a screen and lit keys. Where is this dope AF? Also you can clearly see the command key and the answer is already in the comments. Fag.
  • 2
    @Forside i was kinda new here.
    Think i should get used to getting my ass handled to me here.
    And clearly you havent seen the state of my laptop shitbag.
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