  • 17
    That's stereotyping Linux users to be fat and ugly!
  • 9
    @wolfram And long haired
  • 1
    @AlgoRythm I have an instagram account, handle is same name as yours!
  • 3
    @Autism420 don't forget that most servers which act as the brains behind today's computing run on Linux. Do those #WannaCry?
  • 2
    @wolfram that's labeling someone being ugly and a Linux user. Maybe that person in the picture is using someone else's computer?

  • 0
    @Autism420 Most servers today run linux, Android is a version of linux too.
  • 1
    @Autism420 Here's your first upvote
  • 0
  • 2
    @Autism420 Are you taking into account the hundreds of millions that would be invested in 3rd party security applications which are up until now directed towards windows? Any freshly installed linux distribution is more secure than a windows one. Add the support of major security software providers to that.
  • 1
    @SaeedZeroOne Like what? It's much harder to hack a phone than to hack a PC...
  • 0
    @wolfram You own the insta AlgoRythm?? I collect usernames, you know...
  • 1
    Linux ❤
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