
Setting up a laptop for the next employee. Office 365 has taken over two hours to install in what it states as "just a moment."

OpenOffice for life.

  • 0
    Microsofts sense of time in general, or so It seems.
  • 1
    @lotd I don't know what's worse, "just a moment" or
    "Estimated time remaining: 12 seconds
    Estimated time remaining: 13 seconds
    Estimated time remaining: 45 seconds
    Estimated time remaining: 1 hour" before a countdown initiates.
  • 1
    On Windows, LibreOffice is much more stable than OpenOffice
  • 0
    Libre office and open office are SOO annoying. Wanted to do a spreadsheet where in the first column it said 1 0 1 0 1 0... (One number per line). I wrote 4 lines of that and tried to use this auto completion drag thing. Instead of continuing this patern it started counting 0 1 2 3... This is only one of so many examples of how libre office and open office are often horrible to use.
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